Curtis Schongalla A+, Network+, Security+, MCSA, & CCNP


O.S. .21TM Engine

Below are some shots of the Revo from this Fall.  The the O.S. .21TM in the first picture replaced the the Traxxas engine which exploded this Summer. You can see from the second picture where the Traxxas engine blew up; the connecting rod cracked and shot up through the piston.  At top speed these little engines spin at 30,000 RPM, which is incredibly fast considering their size. It is not surprising that they usually only last a year or two before they break. Ive also included a 2 shots of me holding the car outside, which give a general idea of the car's size. I am getting ready to put it away for the Winter, just need to clean off all the dirt and dust and make a list of what parts I need to order to get it working for next Spring.

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